Thank you for your interest in Baptism – we are so excited to come along side you on this journey. Our Baptism gatherings are a time for spiritual growth, public confession of faith, and CELEBRATION! We will cheer you on when you take your first step of obedience in your new found, or re-committed, faith. We also know that many people come along side you in your faith journey, and we want them to be part of your celebration and step of obedience. Please feel free to invite family or friends to the party celebrating this NEXT STEP of faith.
Baptism will be offered during all four services the weekend of August 20, 21.
The reservation times are below:
Saturday, August 20 345p
Saturday, August 20 515p
Sunday, August 21 845a
Sunday, August 21 1030a
**We limit the number of participants due to time constraints of streaming the baptism into service. We will be available to perform baptisms after each service during baptism weekend. Note: you only need to make a "seat" reservation for the person being baptized.**